Even though we can’t welcome you to the Scenic Rim right now, there are a number of producers in the Scenic Rim offering their delicious produce straight from their farm gates safely to your door as an alternative.
Not only will you be shopping local and supporting small businesses, you’ll also be enjoying the freshest fruit, veg and produce from the Scenic Rim!
Don’t miss your opportunity to order free-roaming, grass-fed beef raised on the mountain pastures of Running Creek in the Scenic Rim. Place your order now for home delivery this weekend of grass-fed beef, dairy, pies and pantry essentials. Orders close Wednesday.
Your delivery drivers will be either Rod or Deb from Running Creek Beef and they’ll be following all Covid rules. All you need to do is have a small table or chair outside of your home ready for them to place your box on it. Order now here: https://runningcreekbeef.com.au/
In need of a little self care this lockdown? Coco and Myrtle have your ‘lockdown pamper’ session covered. This Harrisville based business supports local farmers and businesses from the Scenic Rim, using lots of local ingredients in their luxurious soaps and bath products. Order here: https://cocoandmyrtle.com/
Scenic Rim Farm Box will deliver the best of the Scenic Rim to your front door, so you can Eat Local from the Scenic Rim every week. They’ve added extra meals along with their usual fresh veggies, dairy, meat, and more. For more information or to place your order: https://scenicrimfarmbox.com.au/
In need of some delicious locally grown olives, infused olive oils, marmalades and more? Olive View Estate has a bunch of stock ready to go. Contact them directly via their Instagram to place your order and they’re organising delivery to Brisbane, Gold Coast and Scenic Rim this week.
Order now via messaging them on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oliveviewestatescenicrim/?hl=en
Summer Land Camels offers a range of camel milk skincare products and hand-cut soap via their online store. You can also order their delicious products like their famous camel feta, milk and more via the Scenic Rim Farm Box. Order your treats from Summer Land Camels here: https://summerlandcamels.com.au/
Fancy a tipple to go with all this delicious food? You can order a range of local wines from across the Scenic Rim online. Try The Overflow Estate 1895, Cedar Creek Estate, Bunjurgen Estate Vineyard and Sarabah Estate Vineyard.
Nothing tastes sweeter than supporting a local Queensland business.
If your favourite farm or producer isn’t on the list, get in touch with them directly in case they’re planning a delivery soon, or book in a time to collect when the lockdown is over!
*These businesses are following all Government advice and regulations surrounding COVID-19. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with them directly. We recommend contacting all businesses before you order to confirm their stock availability and delivery conditions.